My mind wanders as I
listen to the News... let's face it, sometimes it has to protect itself.
(fear not, I'm not about to start singing "My Inner Ninja"...
although you probably are, now)
In Toronto right now, we
apparently have a Mayor who is a Crack Head, a Gun Runner, a Bully, an
Imbecile, a Liar, OR a Victim of nasty politics and media, a Diabetic, a Man in
over his head and the Unluckiest son of a gun in the world.
Might be any one of the
above, a combination… or none of the above and it’s all been done with mirrors. Ta-DA!!! (Worst
magic trick ever!)
Regardless of what
delights you put on your Rob Ford Buffet Plate… (ooh, a nice big helping of
nasty media, a little bit of un-lucky…. And.... Hey, how did that crack get on
the plate??)… most of us have lost faith in our Mayor.
Provincially, I hear a
great many people opine that our Premier is a fantastic, intelligent leader
with great integrity… but they also say quickly, that she’s burdened by a
government with too many scandals, missteps and errors in judgment. The
alternatives for Premier are also suspect as we are invited to go forward to
the 1700s or build our future homes in Cloud Cuckoo Land (not
necessarily what I’m saying, just what I’m hearing… and also a chance to once
again use my vast Classical Studies background for an arcane Aristophanes
allusion). In short, we have lost faith in our Provincial
AND you do not want me
to start on our Federal leaders. Petty, small minded, corrupt,
obfuscating, arrogant, entitled, dismissive and claiming to live in PEI. (To
be fair, most of the descriptors apply to most of our leaders… not all and
all). We have lost faith in our Federal leaders.
We have lost faith in
our business leaders… as they reap profits while cutting jobs and imagining
that a vibrant economy is one in which investors make money while workers
become a fixed cost of doing business… not a part or partner in
We don’t trust ‘em.
AND hardly any of us
gather around the TV to listen to Coach’s Corner any more…
We don’t trust leaders.
We are suspect of
authority…. Actually, we don’t recognize it any more.
Tough time to be a
An institution that talks about authority all the time: Authority of Scripture: We read from a big book together on Sundays; Authority of professional leadership: We sit (often quietly) while somebody in a big dress lectures us for 20 minutes (your experience may vary); Authority of values: Thou SHALT not kill; and Authority of God: We are not alone, we live in God’s world...
An institution that talks about authority all the time: Authority of Scripture: We read from a big book together on Sundays; Authority of professional leadership: We sit (often quietly) while somebody in a big dress lectures us for 20 minutes (your experience may vary); Authority of values: Thou SHALT not kill; and Authority of God: We are not alone, we live in God’s world...
Some would say that Authority is a tough sell today that it might be best for us to stop talking about authority. After all, we are in a time of the democratization of everything. No longer does the Encyclopedia have pride of place in the house as an Authority for everything from Argentinian Agriculture to the Zambian Zither... Now, we have Wikipedia, an an authority that changes constantly and can be edited and altered by the user (if enough of us think that the Dodo bird is no longer extinct, we can make it so on Wikipedia). Hard to sell a Wikipedia used an old set of Encyclopedia Britannica (partly because they are no longer published); even harder to sell them a Bible that they cannot edit and a God who is Immortal, Invisible and Unchanging (see all sorts of hymns... esp. "Immortal, Invisible, God only Wise").
So, do we pack it in?
Accept that we are
selling a stock in which nobody has faith? (wanna trade for some
… might we
imagine that in this time when we have lost faith in our leaders and have come
to question the very nature of authority, that it might be time to show what
real leadership and authority can look like?
What if we are not fed
up with, but actually hungry for leadership and authority… and have
only rejected the existing supply because they are not deserving of our respect
and engagement? Look how many people are anxious to respond when
Justin Beiber recommends a video on YouTube or Fashionistas tell us that Orange
is the new Black, 50 the new 40 and Foolishness the new Wisdom?
What if we talked about
God, not as Celestial Concierge; Divine Doge or Eternal Evaluator, but rather
as that which has Authority in our lives…. That which creates and continues to
create within our lives, that which gives us identity, that which partners with
us in our struggles and hopes, that which inspires us to be whole… you know,
like leaders use to do.
What if we, as church
leaders, imagined that our authority came from the people we serve and the God
who calls us… that we didn’t imagine that it endowed us with privilege and
power, but invited us into relationship? What if we spoke with
integrity, admitted when we made mistakes without trying to win sympathy or be
excused because our dogs were mean to us when we were younger? What
if we confidently, yet fearfully, went forward engaging with people, daring to
be weak AND strong… not hiding our gifts, but also not imagining them to be the
only gifts at the party? You know, like leaders are supposed to do.
I don’t really think
that people are done with leaders or authority – I think that they are just fed
up with the current stock and are hungry for something better. Perhaps
it is time for the church to set itself apart and show ‘em something
If not now, when?